Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Some Interesting Facts Related To The Eyebrow Tattoo

Hey :)

This is a blog about, exactly what it sounds like it would be about actually: awesome eyebrow tattoo. I'll make this blog an informative one; I'm a guy, not a girl, so no ADD-type-behaviour :)


I don't know if you know this, but the eyebrow tattoo has actually been around for thousands of years.

As opposed to in the 1920, when it became popular - as it has become a standard thing, fashionistas are no longer the "only" people who do it. Cancer-survivors, victims of multiple sclerosis (MLS) or those with vision problems all could find getting a eyebrow tattoo beneficial.

(Did you know that..? Kinda cool I think, that a seemingly superficial/meaningless, thing - that, atleast I thought only people who were to lazy to do what was necessary to make their natural assets look as good as they wanted them to look, used - actually could have a real meaning)

This is why: as cancer treatment, chemo, doesn't always let eyebrows always grow back - a tattoo is a potential replacement; a person suffering from MLS, with her shaky hands, can't apply makeup - so it's a good idea, and someone who lacks the benefit of looking herself in the mirror, while still wanting to look good, will obviously benefit.

If this post made you interested in knowing more on the subject, check out these two newly started blogs:

eyebrow tattooing

tattoo eyebrows